That's awesome about the next book!

Sorry one cover didn't rock it.

You got into blogging the same way I did - with a push from my publisher.

And I updated your link on the master Linky List so it goes straight here.

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Great excerpt! I'm familiar with artichoke country, and I love how you gave the end of the scene a claustrophobic feel. Hemmed in by artichokes! (and a mysterious guy in a Jeep)

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I have one book that I've had three covers for and none of them really thrill me.

I look forward to reading the new book!

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I discovered after being published that when I wrote the end on the last page of the ms, it really wasn't the end! The marketing goes on and on and on and on. Congratulations on the upcoming release! I love your books written with a meaningful message.

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I've always liked that book cover. And I love the excerpt! I've also enjoyed every one of your books and look forward to every new release. Congratulations!

Marketing, ugh. Though it has gotten easier with time, I still hear the voice in my head saying "Never toot your own horn." I've had a website for nearly 20 years. My hope is that one day it will pay off ;-)

Many of the media platforms just don't seem appropriate for book marketing. Maybe I need to pay more attention?

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I'm yet another who feels like you about marketing! I do some FB, but have never even created accounts on Intstagram or Tik-Tok, and feel no urge to. I sure as hell am not doing any videos with me talking into a camera!

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That quote pretty much sums up how I feel about social media these days! Ha!

I've been blogging in some capacity since 2010 and that kind of blows my mind!

Congratulations on your new book!

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Thanks for that quote from Gone With the Wind! Made me laugh as I truly dislike marketing, but I admire your tenacity and your writing! Perseverance furthers!

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"My publisher made me do it" made me loaugh out loud. :)

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LOVE the book cover and excerpt, Lee. You are so lucky to have a publisher/editor to help with edits and marketing. And bravo for being published 25 times. Way to go!

I'm with you. I'm very private and nervous about social media. I need to do what I can and leave the rest be without worrying about it. All best to you!

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I've struggled with it ... but will try and remember how I found you! Life ... I'll catch up. I know there are definitely people I don't want to lose touch with ...you being one of them too - always happy to be a favorite (or favourite!) Brit - thank you!! Cheers H xo

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Congrats on that cover sheet.

Love the quote.

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How weird! 2009 was the year I started, and I keep seeing that number in IWSG posts today. What was in the water that year? (I'm still at http://samanthabryant.com )

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I love getting the book cover done for my stories. It's a step that makes it feel that much more real.

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It's interesting to hear that your publisher requested you start a blog. I started one because I saw a link from a published story by another author and I thought I should have that. :)

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Interesting that you started blogging due to publishing demands. I too, like Liz, wonder if that still happens.

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