You yanked be back decades to high school when an art teacher grabbed my in-progress drawing and tore it up. To this day, that makes me angry. It was a good drawing. It just wasn't quite what he had wanted me to do. And later in a prestigious art school, I took 3 semesters of human figure drawing with 3 different instructors. The first one, thankfully, started us with understanding the human skeleton and then the muscles. Sounds here, though, like Nikki has some adventures of a very different kind ahead. Hmmm...
How interesting that you had a similar experience. My Mr. Cigam doesn't have much empathy, but you're right; he does have a mission other than being a heartless art teacher. Thanks for the visit and the comment!
You yanked be back decades to high school when an art teacher grabbed my in-progress drawing and tore it up. To this day, that makes me angry. It was a good drawing. It just wasn't quite what he had wanted me to do. And later in a prestigious art school, I took 3 semesters of human figure drawing with 3 different instructors. The first one, thankfully, started us with understanding the human skeleton and then the muscles. Sounds here, though, like Nikki has some adventures of a very different kind ahead. Hmmm...
How interesting that you had a similar experience. My Mr. Cigam doesn't have much empathy, but you're right; he does have a mission other than being a heartless art teacher. Thanks for the visit and the comment!