So far a great story, Lee! Perhaps the ghost is the spirit of a frustrated writer who won't finally cross over until he gets that book he wanted to write finally written. LOL! I'll be back to see what happens. You're following a fine serialist tradition!
Well look at it this way: After seeing a ghost maybe a visit to someone more habituated with ghosts such as a psychoanalyst is appropriate. On the other hand it depends on which book was being vandalized. If it was Mein Kampf or The Art of the Deal, we'll OK then.
Tearing pages out if the books ??? Why, why, why? If I could I'd chase it down and spray that ghost with WD-40!! It fixes everything according to my husband! Have a fun IWSG! You made me smile with this story.
Oh, bad ghost! Bad enough to reshelve the books (and get it wrong, which is why libraries HATE it when patrons try to be helpful that way), but tearing out pages? That ghost is going to spend a long time in the fires!
Oooo, Lee! What a great piece of the story. And NO writer wants someone or something to tear pages out of her book. Wow! You really know how to immerse the reader within the story. Bravo! Happy IWSG day!
So far a great story, Lee! Perhaps the ghost is the spirit of a frustrated writer who won't finally cross over until he gets that book he wanted to write finally written. LOL! I'll be back to see what happens. You're following a fine serialist tradition!
Well look at it this way: After seeing a ghost maybe a visit to someone more habituated with ghosts such as a psychoanalyst is appropriate. On the other hand it depends on which book was being vandalized. If it was Mein Kampf or The Art of the Deal, we'll OK then.
That's a bad ghost. It's interesting how he's pulling out books about short stories. I wonder if you did that intentionally.
Bad, ghost. Bad. We don't tear up books.
As always, well done, Lee.
Gotta save the books!
Off to do that right now.
Oh, that's some naughty ghost. Tearing pages from a book in a library - it is just not done!
I'm going to put a stop to it. I promise.
Tearing pages out if the books ??? Why, why, why? If I could I'd chase it down and spray that ghost with WD-40!! It fixes everything according to my husband! Have a fun IWSG! You made me smile with this story.
WD-40, heh? Something I'll store with other fixit items like duct tape. Thanks, JQ!
Oh, bad ghost! Bad enough to reshelve the books (and get it wrong, which is why libraries HATE it when patrons try to be helpful that way), but tearing out pages? That ghost is going to spend a long time in the fires!
Nothing hath fury like a librarian who finds a misused book. Let's get this ghost under control.
Oooo, Lee! What a great piece of the story. And NO writer wants someone or something to tear pages out of her book. Wow! You really know how to immerse the reader within the story. Bravo! Happy IWSG day!
That's a wonderful compliment--one writers adore. Thanks, Victoria. Now, let me see if I can help Hazel out and get this ghost under control.
Wonderful! I'm cheering Hazel from the sidelines. Happy IWSG Day, Lee.
Same to you, Joylene!
Wonder what would've happened had she hit him with the mop?
Mops are probably ineffectibe against ghosts!