I'd like to see what happens in the library. As for the award, total spam. I'll bet that if you respond they'll tell you you just have to send money to receive your award.
I think it's fishy, too. I looked up the site and it wants the winners to attend a gala in Arizona...for a price. Also you can order a trophy for $300.
There are two ghosts here, one residing in the fictional mind of an assistant librarian, in a fictional library, the other a commercial specter rising from the world of phishing and spam. Even scientists are prey though they may be long retired, not having published in 30 years.
Congratulations and yes, please continue. Don't leave us hanging. Life is hard enough without a ghost throwing monkey wrenches into your work. Why would a ghost do that? https://fromarockyhillside.com
Ah, the short story is enticing and it's coming along well. Will be interesting to note what plan Hazel comes up with. Sorry about the award, doesn't seem like it's worth any effort.
Of course it’s worth continuing—and finishing. Git er done! 🙀
I'd like to see what happens in the library. As for the award, total spam. I'll bet that if you respond they'll tell you you just have to send money to receive your award.
I think it's fishy, too. I looked up the site and it wants the winners to attend a gala in Arizona...for a price. Also you can order a trophy for $300.
As to the library, I'm working on that this week.
There are two ghosts here, one residing in the fictional mind of an assistant librarian, in a fictional library, the other a commercial specter rising from the world of phishing and spam. Even scientists are prey though they may be long retired, not having published in 30 years.
Specters everywhere! You've done your stint in the publishing arena, so you can enjoy writing that memoir.
Congratulations and yes, please continue. Don't leave us hanging. Life is hard enough without a ghost throwing monkey wrenches into your work. Why would a ghost do that? https://fromarockyhillside.com
Yes, it sounds like the award is a scam. I hop you finish/continue this story.
Oh those darn pesky ghosts. I love ghost stories so I encourage you to keep going! I would ignore the award notice.
Ah, the short story is enticing and it's coming along well. Will be interesting to note what plan Hazel comes up with. Sorry about the award, doesn't seem like it's worth any effort.
Ignore the award. Total B.S. And thanks for making me look forward to Wednesdays and your short stories. Gives me a nice break.
I love the clarity. Total B.S.